A Skewed Multi-banked Cache for Many-core Vector Processors

  • Hikaru Takayashiki Tohoku University
  • Masayuki Sato Tohoku University
  • Kazuhiko Komatsu Tohoku University
  • Hiroaki Kobayashi Tohoku University


As the number of cores and the memory bandwidth have increased in a balanced fashion, modern vector processors achieve high sustained performances, especially in memory-intensive applications in the fields of science and engineering. However, it is difficult to significantly increase the off-chip memory bandwidth owing to the limitation of the number of input/output pins integrated on a single chip. Under the circumstances, modern vector processors have adopted a shared cache to realize a high sustained memory bandwidth. The shared cache can effectively reduce the pressure to the off-chip memory bandwidth by keeping reusable data that multiple vector cores require. However, as the number of vector cores sharing a cache increases, more different blocks requested from multiple cores simultaneously use the same set. As a result, conflict misses caused by these blocks degrade the performance.In order to avoid increasing the conflict misses in the case of the increasing number of cores, this paper proposes a skewed cache for many-core vector processors. The skewed cache prevents the simultaneously requested blocks from being stored into the same set. This paper discusses how the most important two features of the skewed cache should be implemented in modern vector processors: hashing function and replacement policy. The proposed cache adopts the oddmultiplier displacement hashing for effective skewing and the static re-reference interval prediction policy for reasonable replacing. The evaluation results show that the proposed cache significantly improves the performance of a many-core vector processor by eliminating conflict misses.

Author Biographies

Hikaru Takayashiki, Tohoku University
Hikaru Takayashiki received the B.E. degree from Tohoku University in 2018. He is currently a master course student in Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University, since April 2018. His research interests include high-performance computer architecture.
Masayuki Sato, Tohoku University
Masayuki Sato received the B.E. degree from Tohoku University in 2007. He also received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees of information sciences from Tohoku University in 2009 and 2012, respectively. He is currently an assistant professor in Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University, since April 2016. His research interests include high-performance and low-power computer architecture.
Kazuhiko Komatsu, Tohoku University
Kazuhiko Komatsu is an Associate Professor at Cyberscience Center, Tohoku University. His research interests include high performance computing. He received the B.E. Degree in Mechanical Engineering and the M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees in Information Sciences from Tohoku University in 2002, 2004, and 2008, respectively.
Hiroaki Kobayashi, Tohoku University
Hiroaki Kobayashi is Professor and Chair of Computer and Mathematical Sciences Department, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Special Adviser to President for ICT innovation, and Special Adviser to Director of Cyberscience Center, Tohoku University. In 1995, 1997-1998 and 2001-2002, he was Visiting Associate Professor of Stanford University. His research interests include high-performance computer architectures, supercomputer systems, and their applications. He received the B.E. Degree in Communication Engineering, and the M.E. and D.E. Degrees in Information Engineering from Tohoku University. He is a senior member of IEEE CS, and a member of ACM, IEICE and IPSJ. He is also an associate member of Science Council of Japan. He received 2017 Minister of Education Award in the Field of Computer Science and 2018 Minister of Education Award in the field of Science and Engineering.


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