Focus and Scope

The Journal of Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations (JSFI) is a new peer reviewed publication that addresses the urgent need for greater dissemination of research and development findings and results at the leading edge of high performance computing systems, highly parallel methods, and extreme scaled applications. This open access on-line international journal will facilitate rapid distribution of high quality papers, letters, and reviews representing recent advances and views to drive further progress in the important and rapidly progressing field of supercomputing. JSFI will complement other periodicals by providing a forum specifically targeted to supercomputing accomplishments through research, development, and application across the worldwide arena and at the leading edge of ideas and innovations. A strong editorial board will ensure the highest standards of scholarship and quality while emphasizing short time to publication for greatest impact and accreditation. Focused topical issues will be organized by special editors as the need and opportunity arise. JSFI will be published quarterly, made available online, with limited copies distributed in hard copy for library and archival purposes.

Subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields:

  • Future generation supercomputer architectures
  • Exascale computing
  • Parallel programming models, interfaces, languages, libraries, and tools
  • Supercomputer applications and algorithms
  • Novel approaches to computing targeted to solve intractable problems
  • Convergence of high performance computing, machine learning and big data technologies
  • Distributed operating systems and virtualization for highly scalable computing
  • Management, administration, and monitoring of supercomputer systems
  • Mass storage systems, protocols, and allocation
  • Power consumption minimization for supercomputing systems
  • Resilience, reliability, and fault tolerance for future generation highly parallel computing systems
  • Scientific visualization in supercomputing environments
  • Education in high performance computing and computational science

Peer Review Process

The journal uses single-blind peer review model. Articles submitted in JSFI are sent out to peer reviewers, although submissions that are out of scope for the journal or are of an unacceptably low standard may be rejected without review. Potentially suitable manuscripts will generally be reviewed by at least three experts in the field with the aim of reaching a first decision as soon as possible. Reviewers are asked to declare their conflicting interests, if any.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate and free of charge open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The publication in articles appearing in the journal are also free of charge for the authors. JSFI is listed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).

Editors-in-Chief Foreword

Jack Dongarra
University of Tennessee

Vladimir Voevodin
Moscow State University

Parallel scientific computing has entered a new era. Multicore processors on desktop computers make parallel computing a fundamental skill required by all computer scientists. High-end systems have surpassed the Petaflop barrier, and significant efforts are devoted to the development of the next generation of hardware and software technologies towards Exascale systems. This is an exciting time for computing as we begin the journey on the road to exascale computing. ‘Going to the exascale’ will mean radical changes in computing architecture, software, and algorithms – basically, vastly increasing the levels of parallelism to the point of billions of threads working in tandem – which will force radical changes in how hardware is designed and how we go about solving problems. There are many computational and technical challenges ahead that must be overcome. The challenges are great, different than the current set of challenges, and exciting research problems await us.

This journal, Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, gives an introduction to the area of innovative supercomputing technologies, prospective architectures, scalable and highly parallel algorithms, languages, data analytics, issues related to computational co-design, and cross-cutting HPC issues as well as papers on supercomputing education and massively parallel computing applications in science and industry.

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. We hope you find this journal timely, interesting, and informative. We welcome your contributions, suggestions, and improvements to this new journal. Please join us in making this exciting new venture a success. We hope you will find Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations an ideal venue for the publication of your team’s next exciting results.


Publishing Ethics

JSFI is committed to upholding the integrity of the academic record. The journal follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines on how to deal with potential acts of misconduct.

During the publishing process authors should consider the following ethical responsibilities:

  • The article has not been submitted to other journal(s) for simultaneous consideration.
  • The article has not been published previously (partly or in full), unless the new work is devoted to an expansion of previous work (in this case author should provide transparency on the re-use of material to avoid the self-plagiarism).
  • An atomic study is not divided into small parts to increase the number of submissions.
  • The article does not use fabricated or manipulated data (raw numbers, graphs, images, etc.) to meet author’s conclusions.
  • The article describes author's original work, and if the author has used the work and/or words of others, this has been appropriately cited or quoted to avoid plagiarism. The journal may use software to check the article for plagiarism.
  • When the article is found to have plagiarised other work or included third-party copyright material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgement, or where the authorship of the article is contested, the journal reserves the right to take action including, but not limited to:
    • if the article is still under consideration, it may be rejected and returned to the author;
    • if the article has already been published online, either an erratum will be placed with the article or (in severe case) ``retraction'' watermark in the article will occur;
    • the author's institution and/or relevant academic societies may be informed.


Editorial Board


Editorial Director:

Associate Editors:

Subject Area Editors:

Technical Editors:

  • Dmitry Nikitenko, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
  • Yana Kraeva, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
  • Mikhail Zymbler, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia



Jack Dongarra
University of Tennessee


Vladimir Voevodin
Moscow State University


Editorial Director
Leonid Sokolinsky
South Ural State University


Technical Editor
Mikhail Zymbler
South Ural State University,
+7 (351) 267-90-06, ext. 112 



Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA

Scopus ID: 7102112094
ORCID: 0000-0003-3247-1782

Jack Dongarra received a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from Chicago State University in 1972 and a Master of Science in Computer Science from the Illinois Institute of Technology in 1973. He received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of New Mexico in 1980. He worked at the Argonne National Laboratory until 1989, becoming a senior scientist. He now holds an appointment as University Distinguished Professor of Computer Science in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the University of Tennessee and holds the title of Distinguished Research Staff in the Computer Science and Mathematics Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL); Turing Fellow at Manchester University; an Adjunct Professor in the Computer Science Department at Rice University; and a Faculty Fellow of the Texas A&M University's Institute for Advanced Study. He is the director of the Innovative Computing Laboratory at the University of Tennessee. He is also the director of the Center for Information Technology Research at the University of Tennessee which coordinates and facilitates IT research efforts at the University.
He specializes in numerical algorithms in linear algebra, parallel computing, the use of advanced-computer architectures, programming methodology, and tools for parallel computers. His research includes the development, testing and documentation of high quality mathematical software. He has contributed to the design and implementation of the following open source software packages and systems: EISPACK, LINPACK, the BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, Netlib, PVM, MPI, NetSolve, Top500, ATLAS, and PAPI. He has published approximately 200 articles, papers, reports and technical memoranda and he is coauthor of several books. He was awarded the IEEE Sid Fernbach Award in 2004 for his contributions in the application of high performance computers using innovative approaches; in 2008 he was the recipient of the first IEEE Medal of Excellence in Scalable Computing; in 2010 he was the first recipient of the SIAM Special Interest Group on Supercomputing's award for Career Achievement; in 2011 he was the recipient of the IEEE Charles Babbage Award; and in 2013 he was the recipient of the ACM/IEEE Ken Kennedy Award for his leadership in designing and promoting standards for mathematical software used to solve numerical problems common to high performance computing. He is a Fellow of the AAAS, ACM, IEEE, and SIAM and a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a member of the US National Academy of Engineering.


Vladimir Voevodin, Moscow State University, Russia

Scopus ID: 7005332282
ORCID: 0000-0001-6036-5106

Vladimir Voevodin is Deputy Director of the Research Computing Center at Lomonosov Moscow State University. He is Head of the Department “Supercomputers and Quantum Informatics” at the Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Faculty of MSU, professor, corresponding member of Russian academy of sciences.
Vl. Voevodin specializes in parallel computing, supercomputing, extreme computing, program tuning and optimization, fine structure of algorithms and programs, parallel programming technologies, scalability and efficiency of supercomputers and applications, supercomputing co-design technologies, software tools for parallel computers, and supercomputing education. His research, experience and knowledge became a basis for the supercomputing center of Moscow State University, which was founded in 1999 and is currently the largest supercomputing center in Russia. He has contributed to the design and implementation of the following tools, software packages, systems and online resources: V- Ray, X-Com, AGORA,,,, LINEAL, Sigma, Top50, OctoShell, Octotron, AlgoWiki. He has published 90 scientific papers with 4 books among them. Vl. Voevodin is one of the founders of Supercomputing Consortium of Russian Universities established in 2008, which currently comprises more than 60 members. He is a leader of the major national activities on Supercomputing Education in Russia and General Chair of the two largest Russian supercomputing conferences.


Editorial Director

Leonid Sokolinsky, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

Scopus ID: 6506818504
ORCID: 0000-0001-9997-3918



Associate Editors

Pete Beckman, Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Scopus ID: 7004731470

Arndt Bode, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Germany

Scopus ID: 56113141300


Boris Chetverushkin, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RAS, Russia

Scopus ID: 6701664800


Alok Choudhary, Northwestern University, Evanston, USA

Scopus ID: 24297881400

Alexei Khokhlov, Moscow State University, Russia

Scopus ID: 7201745735

Thomas Lippert, Jülich Supercomputing Center, Germany

Scopus ID: 56336182900


Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Scopus ID: 55731216300

Mark Parsons, EPCC, United Kingdom

Scopus ID: 35314964800

Thomas Sterling, CREST, Indiana University, USA

Scopus ID: 7103045295

Mateo Valero, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain

Scopus ID: 24475914200


Subject Area Editors


Artur Andrzejak, Heidelberg University, Germany

Scopus ID: 6602719342


Rosa M. Badia, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain

Scopus ID: 6603994224
ORCID: 0000-0003-2941-5499


Franck Cappello, Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Scopus ID: 7005573070


Barbara Chapman, University of Houston, USA

Scopus ID: 7202837722

Yuefan Deng, Stony Brook University, USA

Scopus ID: 7401530888
ORCID: 0000-0002-5224-3958


Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago, USA

Scopus ID: 35572232000

Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA

Scopus ID: 54585199000

Erik Hagersten, Uppsala University, Sweden

Scopus ID: 6602369729


William Gropp, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Scopus ID: 7003297187
ORCID: 0000-0003-2905-3029

Michael Heroux, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

Scopus ID: 6603596744


Torsten Hoefler, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland

Scopus ID: 14018121700

Yutaka Ishikawa, AICS RIKEN, Japan

Scopus ID: 35253854700


David Keyes, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia

Scopus ID: 20433556100


William Kramer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Scopus ID: 14632137500

Jesus Labarta, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain

Scopus ID: 56256013400
ORCID: 0000-0002-7489-4727


Alexey Lastovetsky, University College Dublin, Ireland

Scopus ID: 6603071123
ORCID: 0000-0001-9460-3897


Yutong Lu, National University of Defense Technology, China

Scopus ID: 56174806000

Bob Lucas, University of Southern California, USA

Scopus ID: 13003969700


Thomas Ludwig, German Climate Computing Center, Germany

Scopus ID: 7007149375


Daniel Mallmann, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Germany

Scopus ID: 15769624900

Bernd Mohr, Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Germany

Scopus ID: 7006345587

Onur Mutlu, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Scopus ID: 16043006700


Wolfgang Nagel, TU Dresden ZIH, Germany

Scopus ID: 9435404200

Alexander Nemukhin, Moscow State University, Russia

Scopus ID: 7005907645


Edward Seidel, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, USA

Scopus ID: 7102680682

John Shalf, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

Scopus ID: 6602158124
ORCID: 0000-0002-0608-3690

Rick Stevens, Argonne National Laboratory, USA

Scopus ID: 7403202225

Vladimir Sulimov, Moscow State University, Russia

Scopus ID: 7006306236

William Tang, Princeton University, USA

Scopus ID: 7403430841

Michela TauferUniversity of Delaware, USA

Scopus ID: 9734576100

Andrey Tchernykh, CICESE Research Center, Mexico

Scopus ID: 6506067984
ORCID: 0000-0001-5029-5212


Alexander Tikhonravov, Moscow State University, Russia

Scopus ID: 7006577745


Eugene Tyrtyshnikov, Institute of Numerical Mathematics, RAS, Russia

Scopus ID: 7004588388

Roman Wyrzykowski, Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland

Scopus ID: 57193262070


Mikhail Yakobovskiy, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RAS, Russia

Scopus ID: 57063571100



Journal Publisher

JSFI is published by the Publishing Center of the South Ural State University.

Address: 454080, Lenin prospekt, 76, Chelyabinsk, Russia
