Efficient Parallel Implementation of Multi-Arrival 3D Prestack Seismic Depth Migration

  • Alexander L. Pleshkevich JSC Central Geophysical Expedition/Rosgeo
  • Anton V. Ivanov Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics
  • Vadim D. Levchenko Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics
  • Sergey A. Khilkov HIPERCONE
  • Boris P. Moroz JSC Central Geophysical Expedition/Rosgeo


The goal of seismic migration is to reconstruct the image of Earth's depth inhomogeneities on the base of seismic data. Seismic data is obtained using shots in shallow wells that are located in a dense grid points. Those shots could be considered as special point sources. A reflected and scattered seismic waves from the depth inhomogeneities are received by geophones located also in a dense grid points on a surface. A seismic image of depth inhomogeneities can be constructed based on these waves. The implementation of 3-D seismic migration implies the solution of about 104÷5 3-D direct problems of wave propagation. Hence efficient asymptotic methods are of a great practical importance. The multi-arrival 3-D seismic migration program is implemented based on a new asymptotic method. It takes into account multi-pass wave propagation and caustics. The program uses parallel calculations in an MPI environment on hundreds and thousands of processor cores. The program was successfully tested on an international synthetic "SEG salt" data set and on real data. A seismic image cube for Timan-Pechora region is given as an example.


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