Optimization of BWB Aircraft Using Parallel Computing

  • Kirill S. Anisimov Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, TsAGI, Russian Federation
  • Andrey A. Savelyev Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, TsAGI, Russian Federation
  • Innocentiy A. Kursakov Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, TsAGI, Russian Federation
  • Alexander V. Lysenkov Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, TsAGI, Russian Federation
  • Prajwal S. Prakasha Institute of System Architectures in Aeronautics, DLR, Hamburg, Germany


Nacelle shape optimization for Blended Wing Body (BWB) is performed. The optimization procedure is based on numerical calculations of the Reynolds–averaged Navier–Stokes equations. For the Top Level Aircraft Requirements, formulated in AGILE project, the propulsion system was designed. The optimization procedure was divided in two steps. At first step, the isolated nacelle was designed and optimized for cruise regimes. This step is listed in paragraph 3. At second step the nacelles positions over airframe were optimized. To find the optimum solution, surrogate–based Efficient Global Optimization algorithm is used. An automatic structural computational mesh creation is realized for the effective optimization algorithm working. This whole procedure is considered in the context of the third generation multidisciplinary optimization techniques, developed within AGILE project. During the project, new techniques should be implemented for the novel aircraft configurations, chosen as test cases for application of AGILE technologies. It is shown that the optimization technology meets all requirements and is suitable for using in the AGILE project.


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