Parallel Numerical Algorithm for Solving Advection Equation for Coagulating Particles

  • Sergey Alexandrovich Matveev Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology and Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS
  • Rishat R. Zagidullin faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Alexander P. Smirnov faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University and Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS
  • Eugene E. Tyrtyshnikov Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS and faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University


In this work we present a parallel implementation of numerical algorithm solving the Cauchy problem for equation of advection of coagulating particles. This equation describes time-evolution of the concentration f(x, v, t) of particles of size v at the point x at the time-moment t. Our numerical algorithm is based on use of total variation diminishing (TVD) scheme and perfectly matching layers (PML) for approximation of advection operator along spatial coordinate x and utilization of the fast numerical method for evaluation of coagulation integrals exploiting low-rank decomposition of coagulation kernel coefficients and fast FFT-based implementation of convolution operation along particle size coordinate v. In our work we exploit one-dimensional domain decomposition approach along spatial coordinate x because it allows to avoid use of parallel FFT implementations which are very expensive in terms of data exchanges and have poor parallel scalability. Moreover, locality of finite-difference operator from TVD-scheme along x coordinate allows to obtain good scalability even for computing clusters with slow network interconnect due to modest volumes of data necessary for synchronization exchanges between times integration steps.


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