Adaptive Load Balancing Dashboard in Dynamic Distributed Systems

  • Seyedeh Leili Mirtaheri Assistant Professor atElectrical and Computer Engineering Department, Kharazmi University
  • Seyed Arman Fatemi Kharazmi University
  • Lucio Grandinetti University of Calabria


Considering the dynamic nature of new generation scientific problems, load balancing is a necessity to manage the load in an efficient manner. Load balancing systems are use to optimize the resource consumption, maximize the throughput, minimize response time, and to prevent overload in resources. In current research, we consider operational distributed systems with dynamic variables caused by different nature of the applications and heterogeneity of the various levels in the system. Conducted studies indicate that many different factors should be considered to select the load balancing algorithm, including the processing power, load transfer and communication delay of nodes. In this work, We aim to design a dashboard that is capable to merge the load balancing algorithms in different environments. We design an adaptive system infrastructure with the ability to adjust various factors in the run time of a load balancing algorithm. We propose a task and a resource allocation mechanism and further introduce a mathematical model of load balancing process in the system. We calculate a normalized hardware score that determines the maturity of system according to the environmental conditions of the load balancing process. Evaluation results confirm that the proposed method performs well and reduces the probability of system failure.

Author Biographies

Seyedeh Leili Mirtaheri, Assistant Professor atElectrical and Computer Engineering Department, Kharazmi University
Seyedeh Leili Mietaheri is faculty member of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department in Kharazmi University. She is researching on next generation high performance computing systems. She worked as a researcher in Excellent  Center of High Performance Computing for Parallel and Distributed Processing in Italy. Her research interests are in the areas of distributed and parallel systems, peer to peer computing, cluster computing, mathematics and scientific computing. She has worked on Distributed Systems and done a number of successful industrial experiments in these areas. She received First award of Inventions at National Science Foundation Invention Festival,2011,IUST(Iran university of Science and Technology)’s Award for Excellence in Researching in 2009, Second Level Reward of National Science Foundation in PhD duration,2009, First Award for presenting “CSharifi :Kernel Level Cluster Management System Software “at the Khwarizmi Young Awards ,2008 and Grant of  Excellent Researcher of National Science Foundation ,2008 and Iranian Organization of Scientific and Industrial Research appreciation to cooperating and presenting “A Cluster Management System Software” at the Khwarizmi International Awards,2007.
Lucio Grandinetti, University of Calabria
Since 1986, I am full professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Calabria (UNICAL), Italy. At the same University, I currently hold the position of Vice Rector (since 1999) and coordinator of the Ph.D. Degree Program in the area of Managament Science and Engineering.At the abovementioned University, I was Director of the Department of Electronics, Informatics, and Systems for ten years, as well as member of the University Administration Council and President of the Faculty’s Management Engineering Degree Course.My scientific background is in Electronic Engineering and Systems Science.I am a graduate of the University of Pisa, Italy and the University of California at Berkeley. I have also been a post-doc fellow at University of Southern California, Los Angeles and Research Fellow at the University of Dundee, Scotland.I have been a member of the IEEE Committee on Parallel Processing, and European Editor of a book series of MIT Press on Advanced Computational Methods and Engineering.Currently I am member of the Editorial Board of four international journals.I am author of many research papers in well-established international journals and Editor or co-Editor of several books on algorithms, software, applications of Parallel Computing, HPC, Grids.Since 1994, I have been part of several Evaluation Panels of European Projects within various ICT and Infosociety Programs; I have also been reviewer of many EU Projects in the above Programs.I have been recipient and scientific leader of many European-Commission-Funded projects since 1993 (e.g. Molecular Dynamics Simulations by MPP Systems, EUROMED, HPC Finance, WADI).I have been recipient and scientific leader of several national projects (CNR progetti finalizzati,, PRIN).I am one of the founders of the Consortium SPACI (Southern Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructures), a pioneering Grid infrastructure experiment in Italy.Currently I am:Director of the Centre of Excellence on HPC established at the University of Calabria by the Italian government;Co-managing director of a Supercomputing Centre jointly established by the University of Calabria and NEC Corporation;Recipient and scientific leader of some European-Commission-Funded projects (among others, BEINGRID);Project leader of a node of the most important European Grid Infrastructure for e-science named EGEE.


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