Performance Evaluation of Runtime Data Exploration Framework based on In-Situ Particle Based Volume Rendering

  • Takuma Kawamura Japan Atomic Energy Agency
  • Tomoyuki Noda Japan Atomic Energy Agency
  • Yasuhiro Idomura


We examine the performance of the in-situ data exploration framework based on the in-situ Particle Based Volume Rendering (In-Situ PBVR) on the latest many-core platform. In-Situ PBVR converts extreme scale volume data into small rendering primitive particle data via parallel Monte-Carlo sampling without costly visibility ordering. This feature avoids severe bottlenecks such as limited memory size per node and significant performance gap between computation and inter-node communication. In addition, remote in-situ data exploration is enabled by asynchronous file-based control sequences, which transfer the small particle data to client PCs, generate view-independent volume rendering images on client PCs, and change visualization parameters at runtime.In-Situ PBVR shows excellent strong scaling with low memory usage up to ~100k cores on the Oakforest-PACS, which consists of 8,208 Intel Xeon Phi7250 (Knights Landing) processors. This performance is compatible with the remote in-situ data exploration capability.

Author Biography

Takuma Kawamura, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Completed doctoral course in 2011.Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Researcher in 2011.Researcher on Visualization.Member of the Japan Atomic Energy Society and Visualization Information Society.


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